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Low Sperm count is when men do not have a good amount of sperm cells in their semen and this highlights the over importance on why every man should know how to increase sperm count naturally, causes of low sperm count and various ways of preventing low sperm count.
It decreases the odds of a man's sperm fertilizing his partner's ovum, hereby resulting in pregnancy but there are ways of increasing sperm count naturally from home and we would discuss tips to that end in this article.
A lot of married men actually have low sperm count and after marriage when there are no children blame their spouses who might be very fertile without really knowing that they are the problem.
It is highly advisable that partners with a cloud of uncertainty hanging over their heads concerning fertility issues visit their doctor, undergo fertility tests to really ascertain where their fertility problem's are emanating from.
Well if you (man) go to the doctor or you have done that before for a fertility test and it's been found out you have low sperm count don't fret as this article would give you tips on how to increase sperm count naturally from home just grab a coffee or whatever is convenient enough for you and read on.
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How to improve sperm count naturally
Causes of low sperm count
Low sperm count is actually one of the main causes of male infertility which includes lack of semen, reduced sperm motility and poor sperm quality. Causes of low sperm count include the following:
Exposure to Environmental Toxins
Although the extents of damage by environmental toxins like hydrocarbons, Plastic Softening Chemicals etc. are not really known, exposure to these environmental toxins pose a serious threat to sperm count.
Exposure to Heavy Metals
Exposure to heavy metals such as lead, arsenic etc for a long haul lead to lessened sperm production. When you are exposed to even small amounts, the enzymes which are found in the acrosome (head of the sperm) are harmed.
Abusive Substances such as Cocaine and marijuana
Heavy use of abusive substances like Marijuana and Cocaine have been found to reduce sperm count by up to 50%. For instance marijuana contains specific some specific compounds that are detectable by a sperm’s receptors, impairing their ability to swim and penetrate an ovum.
Studies have shown that obese men run the risk of having low sperm counts.
Other causes include:
Poor dieting
Hereditary factors
Reduced levels of semen
some sexually transmitted diseases
hormonal problems
certain drugs and antibiotics that attack the sperm cells
effects of varicoceles
Home Remedies to increase sperm count naturally fast
Garlic increases sperm count
Garlic is a very good home remedy for low sperm count as it is a natural aphrodisiac which increases sperm production. It contains two very good and effective compounds in this stead allicin and mineral selenium. Allicin boosts the endurance of sperm while also improving blood circulation and mineral selenium helps to improve sperm's motility. Just including 1 or 2 crushed garlic cloves in your daily diet should be enough.
Avoid overheating the testicles to increase sperm count naturally
There are a number of ways the testicles could be overheated if you were ever wondering how this was possible. This includes fever due to infections, saunas, hot baths, synthetic material and tight underwear, and sitting for long hours in a heated area. They will all lead to a low sperm count, which is one of the numerous causes of infertility in men. Avoiding these causes of overheated testicles is however important to be able to prevent a low sperm count. Thus, a man should avoid hot baths, spas and saunas especially if he is trying to make his wife pregnant. Also cotton and natural fiber underwear's should be worn in place of synthetic and tight underwear.
Regular bike riding and wearing tight clothing can temporarily cause an increase in testicular heat. Putting on looser clothing is recommended for men concerned with increasing sperm count. This regular bike riding causes low sperm count as bike seats damage nerves and blood vessels which are associated with erections. Mountain biking also worsens these issues and injure the scrotum.
Research has shown that men who sleep in waterbeds are up to four times more likely to suffer a low sperm count than those who prefer a traditional mattress. Another recent study cautioned young men to limit the time they use laptops on their laps after research results showed the heat from the battery might impair sperm production.
Men should also keep mobile phones off the pockets of their trousers or shorts while sitting or lying down to avoid the possibility for an irreversible damage of their sperm production.
Men should seriously take into consideration the harmful effect of prolonged exposure of their testicles to heat. The best measure for a man to safeguard his fertility is to avoid overheated exposures whenever possible.
Engaging in moderate exercises improves sperm count
Studies show that moderate exercising boosts good sperm production. A particular study in 2013 of note published online in the British journal of sports medicine indicated that an increase in the lifestyle of young men where there was no irregular physical activities has contributed in the overall quality of semen.
The study found that young men with this kind of lifestyle had 50% lower sperm count than those who didn't.
Meanwhile those who engaged themselves in about 15 hours of moderate exercise a week had better quality and a 73% higher sperm count than those who engaged in little or none at all.
Therefore to increase sperm count men are advised to partake in some sort of physical exercise for at least an hour of a day regularly. Outdoor physical activities except cycling as well as weight training are also encouraged. But you have to note that you're not to overexert yourself as this also would cause a decrease in sperm count.
Quit smoking to increase sperm count naturally
A study in 1999 suggests that men who smoke mostly have low sex drive and less frequent intercourse. Smoking cigarettes actually among other things causes infertility as they contain toxic substances like ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, tar, hydrogen cyanide, metals, arsenic and radioactive compounds which notably cause low sperm count, reducing the lifespan of sperm, causes some genetic damage and impairs motility of sperm. Quitting smoking is just one of the ways to increase sperm count naturally.
Quitting smoking might be hard but it is not impossible and quitting would boost your sperm count fast as the assault carried out by these toxic substances would be chopped.
Reduce Stress to increase sperm count
High levels of stress whether physical, emotional or mental cause serious health issues including low sperm count. Men are advised to avoid stress as hard as it may seem so there would be no likelihood of a low sperm count from that angle and there are ways which stress could be managed rightly like through:
- Resting: Its highly advisable to rest appropriately when your tired, avoiding sleep deprivation as well as sleep inducing drugs as much as possible. At least 8 hours of sleep at night and an hour of siesta during the day are recommended for absolute rest which would also improving sperm count.
- Avoiding Heightened Emotional Stress as it interferes with the Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).
- Avoiding mental stress issues including impotence issues, premature ejaculation, sexual intercourse issues including technique even issues within your relationship would boost sperm count.
- Meditating: During meditation your attention is totally focused on thinking in words either silently or loudly while also letting distracting thoughts out of the mind. This process helps alleviate stress as meditating on a daily basis changes the brain's neural pathways making them able to withstand stress.
Food Supplements to increase sperm count naturally
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
It is probably the most familiar nutrient containing collagen for beautiful skin and bones. It also produces serotonin which protects against free radicals, helps the brain function properly while increasing sperm count and sperm motility naturally.
Fruits and vegetables especially oranges, strawberries, broccoli, grape fruit, papaya, pineapple, cabbage, Brussels sprout, etc. abundantly contain vitamin C and are recommended to increase sperm count.
Folate (folic acid)
Health wise the importance of folate cannot be overstated as an insufficient intake has devastating effects ranging from blood diseases to birth defects and possibly even cancer. However, studies show that folate also increases male sperm count.
Men with insufficient levels of folate run high risks of sperm containing too many or too little chromosomes. Therefore an egg fertilized by one of these abnormal sperm could result in a birth defect such as downs syndrome, or an increase in miscarriage.
Foods including black beans, kidney beans, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, parsley, collard greens, navy beans are abundant with folate and are highly recommended to help increase sperm count fast and naturally.
Vitamin E (Alpha and Gamma tocopherol)
Studies show that vitamin E improves sperm health and motility in men. It is an antioxidant which helps build the immune system naturally.
Foods including dark leafy greens, spinash, kale, olive oil , Sunflower seeds, asparagus, shrimp, avocado, peanuts are all rich in vitamin E hence are recommended to help boost sperm fertility.
Coenzyme Q10
This antioxidant produced in the human body is highly essential for sperm health although its levels decrease with age making it important to get more. It also protect cells from free radical damage, DNA and is needed for basic cell function.
Food sources for Coenzyme Q10 include broccoli, dark leafy greens, nuts, fish, shellfish, pork, chicken and beef. But note that these food sources may not be able to give the adequate dosage to the body, it is often recommended to take a daily supplement.
L-carnitine is an amino acid (a building block for proteins) that is also naturally produced in the body.
Research has shown that taking L-carnitine, alone or in combination with acetyl-L-carnitine, helps to increase sperm count and sperm movement in men with fertility problems.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 also called cobalamin is a type of the B complex vitamins. It is essential helps in the production of DNA, cardiovascular support, boost the brain and nervous system activities, and generally boost sperm health including increasing sperm count naturally
Foods rich in vitamin B12 include lamb, shrimp, yoghurt, mushroom, sardines, tuna, salmon, cod, chicken etc.
Good selenium nutrition is important as it boosts sperm production, and provides antioxidant protection. Foods including brown rice, eggs, turkey, sardines, mushroom, shrimp, Tuna, salmons, cod, asparagus, beef, lamb, etc. abundantly contain selenium and are recommended to increase sperm count.
Zinc is considered one of the most important minerals when it comes to improving male fertility and supplementing with zinc in infertile men has been shown to have positive effects on sperm motility and morphology while also increasing sperm count .
Food sources for zinc include turkey, yoghurt, grass fed beef, tofu, sea vegetables, tomatoes, lamb, lentils, cashew, spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, green peas, broccoli, etc.
Maintain Healthy Weight to increase sperm count fast
Eating healthy and regular exercising play important roles in not just maintaining healthy weight but general healthy living. They essentially prevent obesity and poor nutrition which are causes of low sperm count hereby improving fertility.
Here are tips to help prevent obese or underweight conditions:
Eating satiating foods: Satiating foods like foods rich in fiber are encouraged as they increase in volume in the stomach by retaining water. Examples of these satiating foods include vegetables, some fruits like cherries, sweet potato, whole grain meals like cereals and bread.
Eating low energy producing foods: Eat more foods releasing fewer calories in proportion to weight like vegetables and fruits while also eating less foods rich in saturated fats and sugars and reducing alcohol consumption.
Practice good dietary routine like
- Preventing eating between meals.
- Avoiding worry and unease at mealtime, as this unconsciously leads to more consumption of food.
- Preventing skipping breakfast for anything. A lot of people don't know that a healthy breakfast actually - helps prevent obesity while a light one harbors it. A research study shows that eating a balanced breakfast meal can help maintain a healthy weight.
- Making breakfast and lunch the primary meals of the day, while eliminating supper or reducing it to a salad or a little fruit.
- Taking time to chew food longer and slower reduces the amount of food consumed , thus fewer calories.
These natural home remedies would surely do more good than harm in increasing your sperm count and improving your sperm health rapidly. Having low sperm count doesn't mean your an outcast of sorts in anyway in fact it affects close to 20% of men, so you're not the only the one. But you could make your case much better just follow these home remedies and you'll be amazed at how improved your sperm production and sperm health would be.
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Semen volume increase can be obtained in several natural ways.
Research suggests that kegel exercises, in combination with a proper diet and supplements, are one of the best options for increasing semen volume. On top of that, such exercises give men a lot of control over their ejaculation.
Doing kegel exercises is very easy. You’ll need to work on the muscles that you use to stop the flow of urine. Squeezing these muscles, holding the contraction for 30 seconds and releasing is the simplest form of kegel exercises.
Nice Post!
You know for sure that having a good level of testosterone production can actually increase your semen level too. There are male hormone therapy pills that are available that can help you produce testosterone.
Make sure that you do not over consume these pills because overconsumption can actually lead to risks and adverse effects. Look for reliable and credible companies that do not only offer effective products but also safe and all natural ingredients components.
Still not sure, look closely to the ingredients. Look for ingredients such amino acids, Vitamin E, necessary vitamins and minerals that improve semen and sperm health.
Keep in mind that when you produce more semen inside your body, your pelvic floor muscles and penile muscles particularly the bulbocavernosus muscle located at the base of your penis contract harder, better and more frequently.
You will enjoy a more intensely pleasurable orgasm for this reason.
Think about it: Because the muscles involved in ejaculation contract harder to expel the increased semen produced by your prostate and seminal vesicles, your orgasms will be more intense.
Researchers have worked really hard to figure out exactly how testosterone affects the male libido and they still don’t have an answer. It’s true that libido declines with age as testosterone levels decrease.
It’s also true that sex drive is unique and what one individual may consider a high sex drive could be low libido for somebody else.
The scientific community hasn’t come up with a formula that defines what a normal sex drive is.
Maintaining a healthy sperm count requires conscious efforts on your behalf. Many habits and lifestyle choices could have a negative impact on sperm health.
Maybe a low sperm count isn’t a big concern right now but once you decide to have kids, it could render your efforts completely ineffective.
A few basic changes can give you a higher sperm count and increase motility. The sooner you get started with the introduction of such changes, the better the results are going to be.
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I have been hearing about cannabis oil and how effective its on some certain illness until i find out that it cure weak erection permanently.I went on line to search on how to get it and also how to use it that was how i came across a post that say Dr Alaska home for weak erection sell this oil. i please my order and it was delivered to me and today am totally free from weak erection and ED after using cannabis oil.Cannabis oil can do the followings cure cancer, cure herpes and stroke for order contact dralaskajohn@gmail.com or call +2349035410359
I have been hearing about cannabis oil and how effective its on some certain illness until i find out that it cure weak erection permanently.I went on line to search on how to get it and also how to use it that was how i came across a post that say Dr Alaska home for weak erection sell this oil. i please my order and it was delivered to me and today am totally free from weak erection and ED after using cannabis oil.Cannabis oil can do the followings cure cancer, cure herpes and stroke for order contact dralaskajohn@gmail.com or call +2349035410359
I have been hearing about cannabis oil and how effective its on some certain illness until i find out that it cure weak erection permanently.I went on line to search on how to get it and also how to use it that was how i came across a post that say Dr Alaska home for weak erection sell this oil. i please my order and it was delivered to me and today am totally free from weak erection and ED after using cannabis oil.Cannabis oil can do the followings cure cancer, cure herpes and stroke for order contact dralaskajohn@gmail.com or call +2349035410359
I have been hearing about cannabis oil and how effective its on some certain illness until i find out that it cure weak erection permanently.I went on line to search on how to get it and also how to use it that was how i came across a post that say Dr Alaska home for weak erection sell this oil. i please my order and it was delivered to me and today am totally free from weak erection and ED after using cannabis oil.Cannabis oil can do the followings cure cancer, cure herpes and stroke for order contact dralaskajohn@gmail.com or call +2349035410359
I have been hearing about cannabis oil and how effective its on some certain illness until i find out that it cure weak erection permanently.I went on line to search on how to get it and also how to use it that was how i came across a post that say Dr Alaska home for weak erection sell this oil. i please my order and it was delivered to me and today am totally free from weak erection and ED after using cannabis oil.Cannabis oil can do the followings cure cancer, cure herpes and stroke for order contact dralaskajohn@gmail.com or call +2349035410359
Obesity is one of the risk factors for male infertility. Not only may it affect your sperm count, excess weight could also increase the likelihood of experiencing serious reproductive problems like erectile dysfunction.
I have been living the life of Agony for a very long time now, i have been suffering for A low sperm count, also called oligospermia, for couple of years now, and it has been hell for my wife and i, i have been on drugs so many times, going to different medical help, but non seems to be working, so it becomes a huge challenge for me and my family, my wife , so i went extra search to look for solution to my predicament, i was refer to A doctor, called Dr.poula, i contacted him via his Email , the Dr told me not to worry that my problem has already com to an end now that i am in contact with him, i was like ,Dem....so many doc, has told me that same shit, but i have to try because i am eager to get cured of my predicament, So i got the drugs/herbs from the Dr, i took the drugs Day 1, Day 2, to day 7, behold my oligospermia were no more, so i am using this medium to reach out those in this same predicament, to please all hope is not lost, contact Dr.poula today at Drpoulaspell@gmail.com and your problems will be over ,,Good luck and God bless.
I have been living the life of Agony for a very long time now, i have been suffering for A low sperm count, also called oligospermia, for couple of years now, and it has been hell for my wife and i, i have been on drugs so many times, going to different medical help, but non seems to be working, so it becomes a huge challenge for me and my family, my wife , so i went extra search to look for solution to my predicament, i was refer to A doctor, called Dr.poula, i contacted him via his Email , the Dr told me not to worry that my problem has already com to an end now that i am in contact with him, i was like ,Dem....so many doc, has told me that same shit, but i have to try because i am eager to get cured of my predicament, So i got the drugs/herbs from the Dr, i took the drugs Day 1, Day 2, to day 7, behold my oligospermia were no more, so i am using this medium to reach out those in this same predicament, to please all hope is not lost, contact Dr.poula today at Drpoulaspell@gmail.com and your problems will be over ,,Good luck and God bless.
As a sign of gratitude i want to also reach out to others out there not lose all hope. 3 years ago I had a prostate cancer surgery. Since then I have not been able to have any erection to enable me have sex. Despite having taken various medications and supplements, I have not at all been successful. In my state of compliant i was opportune to speak to a cousin of mine because at first i was shy about the problem but this was almost tearing my marriage apart and my wife saw me as a half man who could not perform his duty as a man to satisfy her. He gave me the contact information on how to contact the doctor who sent this very powerful herbal medicine to his friend that had similar problem, i contacted him and he sent me the medication which i used too and that was all. In my life i never thought i would ever be able to have any erection not to talk about having sex again but i was proven all wrong and now i am so active like i am in my early 20's. Do not suffer in silence or be shy you can contact him too on ED CENTRE or info@edlifepanacea.com He will sure be able to help you too.
I got married to the love of my life and the man i love so much when i was 24 and i have always fantasized about how amazing our marriage is going to be together. Little did i know that this joy will soon be stolen away by his inability to father a child. He had watery sperm and his motility was low and because of that he could not get me pregnant for over 6 years and many friends and family had already tagged me as barren which was not true. We have searched far and wide for a cure/solution to his problem but to no avail, we visited several doctors, urologists bought different drugs but none seem to put the problem to an end. Still in our misery we went to see a cousin of ours on vacation when we brought the topic and he told us about someone who has a cure and he is very reliable. We contacted him and he sent us a medicine which my husband took and in a matter of weeks his sperm was thick and the count was more than average. Today we have two kids and we are living happily ever after. I decided to write my story to motivate those who have lost hope on ever getting a child, there is hope for you just contact him on info@edlifepanacea.com i am 100% sure he can help you solve it permanently.
I got married to the love of my life and the man i love so much when i was 24 and i have always fantasized about how amazing our marriage is going to be together. Little did i know that this joy will soon be stolen away by his inability to father a child. He had watery sperm and his motility was low and because of that he could not get me pregnant for over 6 years and many friends and family had already tagged me as barren which was not true. We have searched far and wide for a cure/solution to his problem but to no avail, we visited several doctors, urologists bought different drugs but none seem to put the problem to an end. Still in our misery we went to see a cousin of ours on vacation when we brought the topic and he told us about someone who has a cure and he is very reliable. We contacted him and he sent us a medicine which my husband took and in a matter of weeks his sperm was thick and the count was more than average. Today we have two kids and we are living happily ever after. I decided to write my story to motivate those who have lost hope on ever getting a child, there is hope for you just contact him on info@edlifepanacea.com i am 100% sure he can help you solve it permanently.
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