Tuesday, 27 October 2015

How to get rid of saggy breasts naturally...no surgery

How to get rid of saggy breasts

It actually is not an abnormality in any way for breasts to sag, although saggy breasts just seem to bring a little bit of baggage in that you feel inferior as a woman when you see your other peers with great firm, standing, attractive boobs and also It gives that impression that you are old while actually you might not be especially when your age is compared to these ladies or friends of yours carrying beautiful front endowments.  Well you can take the bold step by following this article which is aimed at teaching you simple helpful tips on how to get rid of saggy breasts naturally.
Yes naturally! As most ladies don’t really know that there are actually simple ways of getting rid of saggy breasts without surgery. So if you’re worried that your breasts are saggy, have become less attractive and want some quick home remedies on getting them firm, standing, attractive this article would provide you with very necessary and helpful tips in the regard.
You might have asked yourself this simple question before “Why do I have saggy breasts?” It’s not a bad question at all as in fact there are some factors that cause saggy breasts which you will have to learn about to understand why you have saggy breasts.

How to get rid of saggy breasts naturally

Factors that cause saggy breasts

- Lack of proper support or use of wrong bras

It is very important for women to wear the right supportive bra’s which help in maintaining good breast shape and lift as the lack of proper support tends to take its toll over a 30 to 40 year period in women causing sagging.

- Age

It’s practically the most famous cause of sagging. As a woman grows older the ligaments making up the breast tissues stretch and lose their elasticity and as a result the breast fullness is compromised as the underlying support system of tissue and fat diminishes leading to sagging. It is particularly evident during menopause.

- Gravitational Pull

Surprising one right, well this affects the women with larger breasts more as years and years of gravitational pull would take its toll and lead to sagging

- Weight gain

Weight gain is another very easy cause of women getting sagging breasts and this is because most of the time there are always great fluctuations in weight, these fluctuations then lead to unnecessary stretching of the breasts which in turn causes breasts to sag.

- Smoking

This is one of the less unknown causes of sagging breasts but Carcinogens (which are any substances directly involved in causing cancer) in cigarette smoke cause elastin to break down in the body.  These elastin fibres are responsible for skin elasticity throughout the body.

- Malnutrition

It’s not just about feeding well but feeding right! If you are a woman who doesn’t feed right there’s a huge chance you will get saggy breasts.  Malnutrition is simply when you don’t just eat healthy or balanced food and could cause saggy breasts in women. To avoid this eat foods containing more fibers like nuts, cereals, wheat and beans. Also, include more vegetables and fruits in your daily meals.

- Sunburn

Another in the bracket of the unknowns sunburns also cause breast sagging as ultraviolet rays damage the skin while also causing loss of elasticity.

One preconceived notion is that breast-feeding causes breasts to sag, when in fact research has shown that it is simply the size changes that a woman's breasts undergo through pregnancy that cause sagging. For women who are concerned about this change, it’s recommend they lose the extra baby-weight as quickly as possible after childbirth in an effort to go back to their ‘normal’ weight and size.

Home Remedies for Saggy Breasts

If you want to make your saggy breasts firm without surgery, at home and naturally, then try these simple home remedies.

Exercise regularly to get rid of saggy breasts

There are exercises that target the breast tissues around the chest these types of exercises could effectively lift up and firm saggy breasts. They include chest presses and pulls, arm raises, round-about push-ups, and dumbbell flyes. There are also other types of exercises which would aid effectively in firming up your breasts apart from those listed above. Just see video below
It is highly recommend that you get professionally fitted for a supportive bra at a lingerie or department store and use these bras while exercising.

Massaging breasts with Coconut, almond or olive oil makes breast firm

Massaging the breasts with Coconut, almond or olive oil is another very effective remedy for getting rid of saggy breasts as these oils contains antioxidants and fatty acids which help prevent sagging breasts while also improving your skin tone and texture. 

  • First off, you put some of the oil of your choosing from the three in your palms and then rub them together rapidly.
  • Secondly you rub your palms over your breasts in an upward motion

  •  Finally massage the breasts gently for about 15 minutes to bring about increased blood flow and stimulate cell repair.

This remedy process should be repeated at least 4 to 5 times a week to get the best results.

Cucumber and egg masks can get rid of saggy breasts

Masking the breasts is one of the most popular methods for firming your breasts at home and there are different mixtures for firming the breasts at home using a mixture of eggs and fruits. A mask prepared from cucumber and egg yolks therefore presents another effective remedy for getting rid of saggy breasts as cucumber has natural skin toning properties and egg yolk has high levels of protein and vitamins which could help in treating sagging breasts.

  • -          You just put a small cucumber into a blender

  • -          Then mix in 1 egg yolk and 1 tea spoon f butter or cream to get it pasty

  • -          Apply resulting paste on your breast and leave for about 30 minutes

  • -          After which wash thoroughly with cold water

The mask should be used once a week to firm and strengthen breasts.

Egg White can also help get rid of saggy breasts

Egg white which is also an effective home remedy for pimple,  gets rid of sagging breasts. This it does due to its astringent and skin nourishing capabilities. It contains hydro lipids which would lift loose skin around your breasts.
You whip 1 egg white until foamy and then you apply on your breasts while leaving for up to 30 minutes. Wash it off with cucumber or onion juice and then cold water. You can also prepare a breast mask by mixing 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon each of plain yoghurt and honey; apply on your breasts while leaving it on for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with cold water.

Ice Massage is another effective remedy for getting rid of sagging breasts

Ice massage also known as cryomassage which actually helps reactivate the immune system, mobilize the endocrine system and neurohumoral system, improve health, help to fight stress and fatigue is also considered another effective home remedy for getting rid of sagging breasts as the cold temperature would cause the breast tissues to contract, in turn making your breasts appear more lifted and firmer.
You take 2 ice cubes and massage them in a circular motion around each of your breasts for 1minute only, after which you dry the breasts with a soft towel and immediately put on a proper fitting bra. You also stay in a reclining position for 30 minutes. Do this process at regular intervals throughout the day.
Please it is important to note that you should not expose your breasts to ice for more than 1 minute as stated in the process at a time as it can cause numbness.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera which is a versatile home remedy has skin tightening properties that can help get rid of sagging breasts. It contains antioxidants that prevent damage caused by free radicals and help in firming sagging breasts.

  • -          You apply Aloe Vera gel onto your breast and massage gently in a circular motion for 10 minutes

  • -          Then allow it to sit for another 10 minutes

  • -          Rinse off with warm water

This remedy process should be repeated at least 4 to 5 times a week to get the best results.

Also alternatively,

  • -           You can prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise and honey respectively.

  • -          Apply this onto your breasts and leave on for 15 minutes.

  • -          Then rinse off firstly with warm water, followed by cold water.

The process should be carried out at least one a week to attain firm breasts.


Swimming which is a sport can also help you build more muscles around your breasts too. By pushing against the water resistance, you’re making your chest muscles contract and develop. This will in turn help lift your breasts making them more firm and lifted.


As stated earlier sagging breasts are not an abnormality and as such getting rid of saggy breasts should be a gradual process. You just have to follow through with one of the methods on how to get rid of saggy breasts naturally and how consistently it should be followed as stated also until you get your desired results. 
More importantly, your diet will work miracles for the conditioning of your breasts. If you can just eat more balanced meals with enough fibre, drink more water, exercise regularly and massage your breasts, you’ll be able to keep them from sagging. You just have to be very observant and conscious, If you care more for your breasts, you won’t have any reason to worry about it in the future.

Your Turn

Have saggy breasts? Had or having horrible saggy breast experience? Or what did you use or trying to use to get rid of your saggy breasts?  Share your thoughts and questions by posting your comments. Just click on the "post a comment link" below and make yourself heard.  
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks man..nice post